Archive 2011

Look in the agenda of 2011

De show De Rijke man en de Nachtegaal from the seriesDe Magische Muziekfabriek is among the15 finalists who have been nominated for the Young Earopean Award (Yeah!) 2011. The show combines music by Theo Loevendie and Bob Zimmerman, performed by Groot Omroepkoor, a small ensemble of MCO-musiciansan, children’s choir of the Cathedral Choirschool in Utrecht and with narrator/actor Willem de Vries.

30 December, Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, PAN, Calefax Composition Competition with members of the quintet, chaired by Theo Loevendie in the jury. The winning competition will then be performed, the winning composer can start a cooperation with Calefax. 

28 December, 16.00 hrs, Maastricht, St. Jan, premiere arrangement  
De Vraag Stellen on a poem by Remco Campert, for voice (Remco Campert) and ensemble. 
21 December, Amsterdam, Stichting Raspoetin/ Explositie VII, Duo for bass clarinet solo by Fie Schouten

18 December, 15.00 hrs, Arnhem Musis Sacrum, de Dag- en Nachtegaal by the Gelders Orkest conducted by Jacob Slagter, narrator Kees van Kooten

18 December, 15.00 hrs, Santpoort, Het Mosterdzaadje, On the train, Yumi Toyama, piano solo

18 December, 11.00 hrs, Nijmegen, Concertgebouw ‘De Vereeniging’, Grote Zaal,
De Dag- en Nachtegaal, by the Gelders Orkest conducted by Jacob Slagter, narrator Kees van Kooten

27 November, 21.00 hrs, Zaandam, Serah Artisan, Guus fiets is stuk for piano, by Guus Janssen,  ‘Amsterdam Real Book’, stichting d’Oek

22  November, 21.00 hrs,  Amsterdam,  Zaal 100, Guus fiets is stuk for piano, by Guus Janssen,  ‘Amsterdam Real Book’, stichting d’Oek 

20 November, The Hague, Koninklijk Conservatorium  Kees van Baarenzaal, piece for flute

19 November, 22.20 hrs, Brava NL (TV-channel Brabant): interview with Loevendie on De Nachtegaal

19 November, 14.00 hrs, Den Haag, Crossing Border, podium Pepijn, interview with Bernlef, Campert and Loevendie
by journalist and music fan Bert Jansma on the recently published book CC, een correspondentie

13 November 2011, 11.00 hrs, Utrecht Vredenburg
Two pieces on canons by Guillaume de Machaut, by Berlage Saxophone Quartet (100th anniversery Geneco)

22 October 2011, 13.30 hrs, Arnhem, Musis Sacrum
De Nachtegaal, by het Gelders Orkest, dirigent Jacob Slagter, narrator Kees van Kooten (Sprookjesfestival 2011)

20 October, Duitsland, München, on the occasion of the October Music Festival of the Bayerische Staatsoper
Duo for Bassclarinet solo and Plus One by the Bayerische Staatsoper

12 and 13 October, 20.00 hrs, introduction 19.15 hrs, Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, 
on the occasion of theatre concerts by the Nederlands Blazers Ensemble
Waan van de Dag Bernlef and Theo Loevende (sopranosaxophone) on a poem by Bernlef: Ballade van de Holle Vaten

12 October, 20.15 hrs, Amsterdam, Kleine Zaal Concertgebouw
De Nachtegaal, Asko/Schönberg Ensemble conducted by Reinbert de Leeuw, narrator Kees van Kooten, introduction 19.15 hrs 

11 October 2011, 20.15 hrs, Amsterdam, Concertgebouw Kleine Zaal
De Dag- en Nachtegaal, Asko-Schoenbergensemble conducted by Bas Wiegers, narrator Kees van Kooten

9 October, Hilversum, Muziekcentrum van de Omroep,  16.00 hrs, youth concert
De Nachtegaal and Doppleriana, Radio Philharmonisch Orkest, Gijs Leenaars- conductor, Anitra Jellema-voice

9 October 2011, 11.00 hrs, Den Bosch, De Toonzaal
De Nachtegaal, by Dutch Chamber Music Company Indonesian wajangplayer/narrator (dalang) Slawith Gundono

6 October 2011, 20.13 hrs, Den Haag, Korzo zaal
De Nachtegaal, by Dutch Chamber Music Company with Indonesian wajangplayer/narrator (dalang) Slawith Gundono

5 October 2011, 20. 15 hrs, Amsterdam, Bethanienklooster
Two pieces on canons by Guillaume de Machaut, by Berlage Saxophone Quartet (100th anniversery Geneco)

25 September, USA, Boston, Brandeis University 
Dance, by Gabriella Diaz, violin

25 September, 11.00 hrs, Berlijn, Philharmonie
The Lonely Cowbell, by percussion section of the Berliner Philharmoniker

25 September 2011, 15.30 hrs, Nederhorst ten Berg, Het Jagthuis,
On the train, by Scarbo Pianistencollectief, Yumi Toyama (100th anniversery Geneco)

24 September 2011, 20.00 hrs, Hyppolytushoef, Hyppolytuskerk
Two pieces on canons by Guillaume de Machaut, by Berlage Saxophone Quartet (100th anniversery Geneco)

18 September 2011, 14.00 hrs, Eelde, Museum De Buitenplaats
On the train, by Scarbo Pianistencollectief (100th anniversery Geneco) 

16 September, 19.00 hrs, Amsterdam, Bethaniënklooster,
Dome, by Ralph van Raat (piano) opening concert for theFestival Nederlandse Kamermuziek (16-18 September) together with Geneco (100th anniversery) and the 15th anniversery of Uilenburgerconcerten by Leo Smit Stichting

16 September 2011, 12.00 hrs, Breda, Waalse Kerk
Two pieces on canons by Guillaume de Machaut, by Berlage Saxophone Quartet (ihkv 100 jaar Geneco)

11 September 2011, 15.00 hrs, Den Haag, Gemeentemuseum
On the train, by Scarbo Pianistencollectief (100 jaar Geneco)

8 September, Amsterdam, building De Nieuw Liefde
Dance by Emma Breedveld

3 September,  15.00 hrs, Deventer, Bergkerk
Darb, Dominique Vleeshouwers-percussion, Michel Zanders-percussion

28 August, 13.00 hrs -14.00 hrs, Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Paulus Potterstraat
Nordanians (Oene van Geel, violin, Mark Tuinstra, guitar and Niti Ranjan Biswas, tabla ) with Theo Loevendie on sopranosax

11 October 2011, 20.15 hrs, Amsterdam, Concertgebouw Small Hall, 
De Dag- en Nachtegaal, Asko-Schönbergensemble directed by Bas Wiegers, narrator Kees van Kooten

2 July 2011: Haarlem: Koorbiennale Haarlem: symposium for conductors of childrenschoirs/youth choirs/womens choirs,
Theo Loevendie as an instructor at the workshop choice of repertoire.

25 June, 20.15 hrs, Hamburg, Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Opernstudio
Holländische Klangnacht, Loevendie portrait, by Duo Luxa (clarinet and piano)

16 June 2011, 14.30 hrs, Weesp, Gemeentehuis,
On the train, by Scarbo Pianistencollectief (100 year Geneco) 

9 June 2011, 20.30 hrs: Nijmegen, de Lindenberg: Jazz@lib: performance by Theo Loevendie and Michiel Braam

22 May 2011, 11.00 hrs, Utrecht “In de Zeven Linden”: ‘Plus One’ by Trio Kokako

21 May 2011, 17.30 hrs; Groningen, Oosterpoort: Internationaal On Wings Blazersfestival Groningen: ‘Two pieces on canons by Guillaume de Machaut’, Berlage Saxophone Quartet 

20 May 2011 20.00 hrs, France, Chateau de St. Bernhard (region Lyon) ‘ Ackermusik’ for violin, cello and piano by Van Baerle Trio

15 May 2011, 15.00 hrs, Witte Kerkje in Baarn, ‘On the train’ for piano-solo (Leo Machielsen)

22 April 2011, 15.00 hrs. Oudhoornse Kerk in Alphen aan de Rijn: ‘Ming’ for Erhu (Chinese violin) and string trio, Fang Wei Ling, Erhu, and the Storioni Trio 

1 till 3 April : ‘De Dag- en Nachtegaal” by Theo Loevendie
Jeugdorkest Nederland conducted by Jurjen Hempel, with narrator Kees van Kooten.
1 April, Enschede , Muziekcentrum, 20.00 hrs
2 April, Vlissingen, Jacobskerk, 20.00 hrs
3 April, Den Haag, Dr. Anton Philipszaal, 14.30 hrs
For more information and ordering tickets:, tel.:074-8510382 

27,28, and 29 March 2011, Isang Yun Memorial Hall in Seoul, South-Korea
‘De Nachtegaal’ by the Ensemble of the Tongyeong International Music Festival
conducted by Soo Yeoul Choi

13 March, Amsterdam, Concertgebouw Kleine Zaal: 20.15 hrs: Van Baerle Trio with Ackermusik by Theo Loevendie

From March 4 in storre: “CC, een correspondentie”, 168 pages, euro 18.50

27 February, radio 1, 23.05-00.02 hrs, ‘Met het oog op morgen’, (NOS), live broadcast with Theo Loevendie andHenk Bernlef in the studio and Remco Campert over the telephone, about the book “CC, een correspondentie”