Archive 2012

Look in the agenda of 2012

9 December,  Amsterdam, 16.30 hrs, cafe Welling, Jazzconcert with Theo loevendie a.o.

18 November, Amsterdam, 16.30 hrs, cafe Welling, Jazzconcert with Theo loevendie a.o. 

11 November,  Den Bosch, 12.30 hrs, 14.30 hrs, en 16.30 hrs, Zuiderzinkerk, Novembermusic, Duo for bass clarinet solo by Fie Schouten 

11 November,  12.30 hrs and 14.30 hrs and 17.00 hrs, Tilburg, Lutherse Kerk, November Music, Duo for basclarinet solo, Fie Schouten 

4 November, Berlin, Germany, 11.00 hrs, and 15.00 hrs, Die Nachtigall, Konzerthaus, Konzerthausorchester Berlin olv Ferenc Gaber, erzähler Annette Bieker

28 October 2012, Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, Grote Zaal, wereldpremiere Three Movements for Harp en Cello (2011), Gwynneth Wentink, harp, Larissa Groeneveld, cello.

9 October, Peru, Lima,  
festival Internacional de Musica Clasica Contemporanae de Lima, Duo for basclarinet solo, Fie Schouten  

30 September, 15.00 hrs, Bergen, Ruinekerk
Ackermusik,  Van Baerlestraat, Amsterdam 

21 September, 20.30 hrs, Frankrijk, Aix-les-Bains
Festival Nuits Romantiques, Theatre de Casino, Van Baerle Trio, Ackermusik

20 September, 20.30 hrs, Nijmegen,  De Lindenberg, Doppleriana, Nieuw Amsterdams Peil

15 September, 16.30 hrs,  Frankrijk, Le mele sur Sarthe, Septembre Musical de l ‘Orne, Salle Daniel Rouault, Van Baerle Trio, Ackermusik

14 September,  19.30 hrs,  Tilburg, Duvelhok, Duo for basclarinet solo,  Fie Schouten

26 August, 17.30 hrs,  Frankrijk, la Chaise-Dieu, Festival de la Chaise-Dieu,  Auditorium Cziffra, Van Baerle Trio, Ackermusik

12 August, 15.00 hrs, Barchem (GLd), Kamermuziek aan de Berkel,  Landgoed Morgenstern, Van Baerle Trio, Ackermusik

8 August 19.30 hrs, Duitsland, Binz, Jagdschloss Granitz, Festspiele Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Van Baerle Trio, Ackermusik

25 juli, Duitsland, Berlijn,  20.00 hrs, Franzosische Friedrichstadtkirche International Music Festival, Van Baerle Trio, Ackermusik

Juli, Amsterdam,  Amsterdamse Hogeschool for de Kunsten, slotconcert, work Loevendie, Percussion Friends Summer Academy

28 June – 4 juli,  Italie, Padova, International Music Competition, Lisanne Soeterbroek, violin, with Dance

19 June 2012, 20.00 hrs, Bern, Switzerland, Dampfzentrle, Duo for bass clarinet solo by Valentina Strucelj

3 May 2012, 20.00 hrs,  Amsterdam,  Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, Grote Zaal, world premiere Ritorno (2012) for wind quintet by Calefax

19 April first date in a series of reprises, Mannheim, Nationaltheater, Die Nachtigall, Junge Oper

1 April 2012, 15.00 hrs,  Amsterdam, Felix Meritis, Dance for violin solo by Cecilia Bernardini

30 March 2012, 20.00 hrs, Santpoort-Noord, Mosterdzaadje, compositions from the sixties

17 March, Brussel, Eglise St. Marc
Ackermusik on the occasion of European Concert, by a group of young musicians in Belgium

15 March, 20.15 hrs, Kortenhoef, Oude Kerkje,
(prepremiere van) Two Pieces for Harp and Cello, by Gwyneth Wentink and Larissa Groeneveld

14 February , 20.00 hrs, Amsterdam, De Badcuyp, Duo for bass clarinet solo by Fie Schouten

12 February, 15.00 hrs, Dordrecht, Kunstkerk
arrangement De Vraag Stellen on a poem by Remco Campert, for voice (Remco Campert) and ensemble. 

5 February, 15.00 hrs,  Amsterdam, Felix Meritis, Strands for flute, by Marieke Schneeman

2 February, 20.00 hrs, Amsterdam, Bethanienklooster, Ackermusik, Van Baerle Trio, on the occsion of the cd release of ‘Etcetera’ with compositions of a.o. Theo Loevendie

31 January, Hamburger Musikhochschule, performance and compositions